Inclusive communities for all
Priority | Outcome | Trend Indicators¹ |
1. Involvement in the community | People living with disability actively participate in welcoming and inclusive communities |
Proportion of people with disability participating in community support/social groups² Proportion of people with disability participating in common cultural and recreational activities groups |
2. Improving community understanding and awareness | The South Australian community is aware of and understands the barriers to access and inclusion faced by people living with disability | For future development as part of outcomes framework |
3. Promoting the rights of people living with disability | People living with disability have their rights promoted, upheld and protected | For future development as part of outcomes framework |
¹ The trend indicators are taken from the Australian Bureau of Statistics General Social Survey or Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers. Further indicators will be developed that align with the outcome framework national disability strategy beyond 2020.
² Community support or social groups refer to active involvement in a service club, welfare organisation, education and training, parenting/children/youth, sport or physical recreation group, arts or heritage group, religious or spiritual group, craft/ recreation/special interest group or social club.