SA Autism Strategy

SA Autism Strategy 2024-2029

Building understanding, knowledge and belonging

The voices, goals and aspirations of South Australia’s Autistic and autism communities have been the driving force behind the development of the first SA Autism Strategy 2024–2029 (the Strategy).

The Strategy sets out a 5-year roadmap to create meaningful cultural change and greater access to services, inclusion and participation in the community for Autistic people of all ages.

Aiming to build knowledge, understanding and belonging, the Strategy supports a dedicated whole-of-government approach to respond to the current needs and challenges of Autistic people and their families, and to create a more inclusive state for all.

The Strategy, that will guide future inclusion policies in the state, will align to the new State Disability Inclusion Plan under development — and will complement the work of the National Autism Strategy.

Following the release of the Strategy, seven action plans will be developed and implemented across the state in line with the seven focus areas and commitments highlighted as priority throughout the document. These areas are:

  • Pathways to diagnosis
  • Positive educational experiences
  • Thriving in the workplace
  • Access to supports and services
  • Participation in the community
  • Access to health and mental health services
  • Interactions with the justice system.