Appendix 1: Interim measures

Our vision is an accessible and inclusive South Australia based on fairness and respect.

To map our progress, we will use the interim measures below as we work towards developing an outcomes framework that aligns with the new national disability strategy for beyond 2020. The interim measures include indicators that are contained within existing data sources. We will continue to adapt current sources and develop new indicators in consultation with our stakeholders.

Inclusive communities for all — interim measures

PriorityOutcome Trend
Indicators (Note 1)
1. Involvement in the community

People living with disability actively participate in welcoming and inclusive communities

Proportion of people with disability participating in community support/social groups (Note 2)

Proportion of people with disability participating in common cultural and recreational activities groups

2. Improving community understanding and awareness

The South Australian community is aware of and understands the barriers to access and inclusion faced by people living with disability

For future development as part of outcomes framework

3. Promoting the rights of people living with disability

People living with disability have their rights promoted, upheld and protected

For future development as part of outcomes framework

Note 1: The trend indicators are taken from the Australian Bureau of Statistics General Social Survey or Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers. Further indicators will be established as part of the development of the outcomes framework for the new national disability strategy for beyond 2020.

Note 2: Community support or social groups refer to active involvement in a service club, welfare organisation, education and training, parenting/children/youth, sport or physical recreation group, arts or heritage group, religious or spiritual group, craft/recreation/special interest group or social club.

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Leadership and collaboration — interim measures

PriorityOutcome Trend Indicators
4. Participation in decision-making The perspectives of people living with disability are actively sought and they are supported to participate meaningfully in government and community decision-making Percentage of people living with disability actively involved in governance/civic groups (Note 3)
5. Leadership and raising profile

People living with disability hold positions of leadership and responsibility across all sectors

For future development as part of outcomes framework

6. Engagement and consultation Consultation and engagement practices across State Government support people living with disability to influence decisions that affect their lives For future development as part of outcomes framework

Note 3: Civic participation refers to involvement in a union, professional association, political party, environmental or animal welfare group, human and civil rights group, or body corporate or tenants association.

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Accessible communities — interim measures

PriorityOutcome Trend Indicators
7. Universal Design across South Australia

Built environments and public spaces are accessible to people living with disability

For future development as part of outcomes framework

8. Accessible and available information

People living with disability can access available information that is inclusive and accessible

For future development as part of outcomes framework

9. Access to services

People living with disability have access to the services and supports they need

Access to general practitioners, dental and other primary healthcare professionals for people with disability

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Learning and employment — interim measures

PriorityOutcome Trend Indicators
10. Better supports within educational and training settings

People living with disability have access to inclusive education and training opportunities

Educational achievement of people with disability

11. Skill development through volunteering and support in navigating the pathway between learning and earning

People living with disability have opportunities to develop their skills through volunteering, learning and employment

Proportion of people aged 15–64 with disability with non-school qualification

Proportion of people with disability with post-school qualifications

12. Improved access to employment opportunities and better support within workplaces

People living with disability have opportunities to develop and succeed in flexible and sustainable employment

Proportion of people with disability participating in the labour-force

Proportion of people with disability in both private and public sector employment

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Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
26 Oct 2023
Printed on:
26 Feb 2025
The Inclusive SA website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016