Leadership and collaboration
People living with disability want to have a greater role in leading and contributing to government and community decision-making. It is our aim that the perspectives of people living with disability are actively sought and that they are supported to participate meaningfully in government and community consultation and engagement activities.
Key words
Participation, decision-making, engagement, consultation, leadership.
‘I’ statements
- I am truly valued
- I can take action
- I can make my own life choices.
Priority 4: Participation in decision-making
Priority 5: Leadership and raising profile
Priority 6: Engagement and consultation
Priority 4: Participation in decision-making
- Share the learnings of the improved Supported Decision-Making approach for people living in State Government accommodation services with State authorities.
- State authorities to support young people living with disability to actively participate in decision-making.
Priority 5: Leadership and raising profile
- Develop a communications strategy to promote BoardingCall, the South Australian Government recruitment register for boards and committees, to ensure it is promoted to people living with disability.
- Ensure high quality and co-ordinated engagement with the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, including providing consistent, accurate and relevant information, through a dedicated response unit led by the Attorney-General’s Department.
Priority 6: Engagement and consultation
- Develop a toolkit that supports State authorities to consult and engage with people living with disability when developing policies and programs, which:
- promotes and explains co-design principles
- focuses on supports for consultation within regional South Australia.
- Review the function of the Disability Engagement Group to:
- ensure membership is focused on people living with disability and carers
- increase membership in rural and regional areas
- increase the use of the Disability Engagement Group members in decision-making and policy initiatives
- support members to develop advisory and leadership skills.
Quotes from the consultation
- “If you can get young people with disabilities used to being involved in decision-making, that would be a great step”
- “Saying people were part of the discussion is not sufficient; the involvement must extend into the decision-making”.