Principles are values that guide behaviour and create a shared understanding about what is important. This plan is based on the following principles for people living with disability:
- fundamental human rights, responsibility and autonomy
- individual worth and dignity
- participation in social and economic life
- the right to realise physical, social, sexual, reproductive, emotional and intellectual capacities
- the right to make decisions, including supported decisions, and to take risks
- access to information in appropriate forms
- respect for cultural or linguistic diversity, age, gender, sexual orientation and religious beliefs
- rights to privacy and confidentiality
- live free from neglect, abuse and exploitation
- rights to pursue complaints and access justice
- acknowledge and respect the crucial role of families, carers and significant persons
- freedom of association and support to engage in family, social and friendship activities
- respect the needs and rights of children as they develop
- acknowledge and respect the abilities, strengths, goals and needs of people living with disability.