5. Planning for your DAIP

It is recommended that State authorities align their DAIP actions with the four themes and associated priorities in the State Plan (where relevant). In doing this, State authorities demonstrate how their DAIP will give effect to the State Plan. State authorities will also be indirectly giving effect to the NDS and incorporating the principles in the Act and UNCRPD. State authorities are encouraged to follow these planning steps to ensure their DAIP meets legislative requirements.

5.1  Who is responsible for overseeing the planning process?

State authorities may choose to establish an advisory committee or working group with representation that could include staff, Local Government elected members, people living with disability, family members, representative bodies, service providers, influential ‘champions’, or interested community members.

Alternatively, a State authority may choose to allocate responsibility to a senior staff member or team within the authority.

5.2  Know your business — list the information, services and facilities provided

Remember to include operational services that are also delivered through contracted third parties wherever possible.

Review current practices in all work areas to identify possible barriers to access and inclusion from both the perspective of community members and authority staff living with disability.

5.3  Gather background information and ensure that existing information is current

Include statistical information about people living with disability in South Australia or your region and, if available, within staff or client groups.

Consider access issues identified by staff, service users, elected members or disability organisations.

Review previous DAIPs or other access initiatives and assess progress. This may involve identifying remaining barriers and strategies for addressing them.

5.4  Undertake community engagement, including consultation

It is a legislative requirement under the Act that authorities undertake consultation and call for submissions from members of the public before they finalise and publish their DAIP. Consultation may include:

Community engagement should take into consideration the diversity among people living with disability.

It is important to communicate with people using a variety of methods. Ensure that language used is appropriate and tailored to the audience, is easily understood and available in accessible formats. These may include:

  • Easy Read
  • Auslan
  • pictorial forms
  • large font
  • audible options
  • Braille
  • closed captions
  • VoiceOver.

5.5  Resources to assist in community engagement

Better Together

The South Australian Government has produced a guide to assist organisations to consult and engage with the community: Better Together: principles of engagement.

DHS Disability Engagement Group

The Department of Human Services Disability Engagement Group is used to obtain advice about disability issues. The group is a confidential contact list of people who have chosen to be available to provide independent advice on issues that are important to people living with disability in South Australia.

Consultations take place as needed. Members participate because of their interest and experience in areas related to disability. The group includes people living with disability as well as family members, carers and practitioners. Email: DHSDisabilityTalk@sa.gov.au

Local Government Act

The Local Government Act 1999 (SA) requires public consultation on a range of topics. Councils should refer to the Local Government Association Community Engagement Handbook for assistance with this process.

Australian Local Government Association (ALGA)

In October 2016, ALGA released the Disability Inclusion Planning—a Guide for Local Government as a resource to help councils navigate the NDS. The Guide notes that some states and territories have specific legislative and policy requirements regarding disability inclusion planning and that councils should consult these specific requirements for their jurisdiction in the first place.

5.6  Applying feedback and developing DAIP actions

Analyse the findings of the consultation and community engagement process in relation to the four themes and associated priority actions set out in the State Plan.

Identify strategies to overcome barriers, bearing in mind legislative requirements including the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) (DDA), the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA) (EOA), Building Code of Australia and associated standards and guidelines.

The Australian Human Rights Commission provides information about rights and legal responsibilities under the DDA and resources including standards and guides.

The South Australian Equal Opportunity Commission provides information about the EOA and training and assistance with complaints resolution.

Your DAIP provides an opportunity to be creative and implement innovative best practice initiatives. It is suggested that you refer to other organisations’ DAIPs to see how requirements have been addressed within their area.

Councils can also collaborate with other councils using a Local Government community of practice for information sharing and peer support. Section 16(5) of the Act allows councils to prepare and publish a joint DAIP subject to permission from the Minister for Human Services. Councils that are considering a joint DAIP should apply in writing to the Minister setting out the reasons why a joint DAIP is preferred.

Collaboration between agencies through a community of practice is encouraged.

Additionally, agencies can appoint a disability champion or access and inclusion officer to highlight and raise the profile of disability access and inclusion. A disability champion is someone who advocates for equal access and inclusion for people living with disability. The disability champion assists the authority to explore new ideas and promote good practice.

Actions can also be prioritised in line with planning and budgeting processes.

The DAIP should include, under the appropriate section:

  • State authority’s goals: outcome
  • How they will be achieved: action
  • Who will do it: responsibility
  • When it will be done: timeframe
  • How success will be measured: measurable targets.

DAIP actions should be:


  • What exactly is your authority going to do?
  • Are goals clear and well defined?


  • How will your authority know when goals are reached?
  • Can success be measured?


  • Can your authority deliver results on time and within budget?
  • Are all stakeholders in agreement with this?


  • Will this action lead to the desired outcome with available resources, knowledge and time?


  • What is the deadline for achieving the target?
  • Is this enough time?
  • Is there general recognition that the actions are time-limited?

5.7  Implement monitoring, reviewing and reporting mechanisms

People living with disability, their families and representatives should be actively involved in the ongoing implementation, monitoring and review of DAIPs.


  • How your authority will monitor the implementation and progress of the DAIP
  • If there will be a DAIP advisory group or a specified position with responsibility
  • Measurable targets to assess the DAIP performance and success
  • What information needs to be collected. Options might include gathering:
    • Quantitative information (For example, Australian Bureau of Statistics Disability Ageing and Carers: Summary of findings, census data, general social survey data, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports)
    • Information including employment figures, number and type of office modifications undertaken and complaints data
    • Qualitative information from people living with disability, their families and representatives to see whether they have experienced an improvement in access and inclusion as a result of the DAIP.

5.8  Finalise and promote the DAIP widely

Seek feedback from stakeholders on the draft DAIP and incorporate any changes.

When the DAIP is finalised and approved, it should be made available in a variety of accessible formats to all business units and the general public. These may include:

  • Easy Read
  • Auslan
  • pictorial forms
  • large font
  • audible options
  • Braille
  • closed captions
  • VoiceOver.

It is a legislative requirement that DAIPs be published on a website determined by your authority. Most State authorities have their own websites, and these are considered the most appropriate place for publishing a DAIP.

It should also be promoted through authority communications, staff induction and training, and other appropriate mechanisms.

5.9  Final steps

The Chief Executive, DHS must be notified that the DAIP has been published [see Note].

You must also report to the Chief Executive, DHS on the preparation of the DAIP [see Note]. This information should form part of your DAIP (see section on DAIP Development in the DAIP Template).


Providing a copy of the published DAIP to the Chief Executive DHS will meet this requirement.

This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence. © DHS .

Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
26 Oct 2023
Printed on:
26 Feb 2025
The Inclusive SA website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016