Connect with each other - checklist
Has the community been included in the development of the playspace?
- Ensure key community groups get a chance to have their say
- Look for community-building opportunities (for example mural, artwork, planting day)
Does the signage help people communicate and understand each other?
- Communication boards, for example AAC – Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Cultural language (for example Aboriginal language local to the area)
- Educational/instructional signage
- promoting inclusivity (for example ‘Wait for your turn’)
- include images that are easy to understand.
Are there picnic facilities where people can connect with each other?
- Picnic tables: wheelchair-accessible, under shade, support group gatherings
- BBQ: wheelchair-accessible, easy to operate
Is there ample seating scattered through the playspace?
- Seating at key locations for carers to watch children
- Variety of seating types: arm rests, back rests, different heights for children/adults
- Hard paved area next to seating to allow room for a pram or mobility device
Are there accessible toilets within the playspace or nearby?
- Include changing facilities for children/adults
- Doors are easy to open and lock
Is there drinking water available within the playspace?
- Ensure drinking water is wheelchair-accessible and easy to operate, with space around the drink fountain for users to wait their turn
Are there electronic device charging stations?
- People may use tablets or electronic devices to communicate
If the playspace will be used at night, is there adequate lighting?
- Ensure supporting facilities are also adequately lit (nearby car park, toilets or access paths)
Are there clear lines of sight from seating areas to allow supervision by carers?
- Consider the alignment/location of vertical screens and the mature height of plants
Can the playspace be easily observed from the street or neighbouring properties?
- Keep sightlines into the space clear to encourage passive surveillance
Is there a secure boundary enclosure around the space?
- Consider nearby risks such as roads or open water
Has a playground safety audit been completed?
- Independent auditors are available to ensure the playspace complies with Australian Standards
“All children should be able to access and play on an equal footing — so important for socialisation.”
Social Play
Does the playspace encourage everyone to play with each other?
- Equipment where you need a buddy to make it work (push/pull, winch/pulley)
- A high point with multiple ways to get there (including an accessible path)
- Equipment that can hold lots of friends (basket swings/seesaws/carousel)
- Adults play too – wide slides or tandem swings help adults to play with children
- Buddy bench – to sit on if children want to play with new friends
- An area to retreat to for quiet play activities
Does the playspace cater for a range of ages and abilities?
Provide a range of play options within close proximity that encourages side-by-side play.