Inclusive SA

How will we take action?

The Government of South Australia commits to addressing each of the identified Focus Areas across the life of the Strategy. Actions to address each of these Focus Areas will be identified across three reporting domains: Scope, Develop and Implement.

An action plan for each Focus Area will be developed in ongoing consultation with the Autistic and autism communities to drive initiatives that support our commitments. These action plans will be living documents that can respond, as required, to the shifting priorities of the Autistic and autism communities and be responsive to other State and National reform work underway, including the new National Autism Strategy.

Whilst there will be ‘lead’ agencies responsible for each initiative, achieving these initiatives must involve everyone. All government departments will work towards improving outcomes for the Autistic and autism communities.

The Government of South Australia reaffirms its commitment to ongoing collaboration, consultation and engagement with the Autistic and autism communities for both the Strategy itself and the supporting action plans.


The responsible agency(ies) will scope opportunities to develop new initiatives that can respond to the identified commitment and Focus Area where there is no existing initiative or gaps in existing initiatives.


Once identified, they will develop strategies, polices and/or undertake relevant reform work to commence new initiatives that respond to the identified commitment and Focus Area.


Once developed, they will drive implementation across relevant sectors for the new (or improved) initiatives that respond to the identified commitment and Focus Area.

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Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
26 Oct 2023
Printed on:
13 Feb 2025
The Inclusive SA website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016