Inclusive SA

Summary of commitments

Pathways to diagnosis

  • Create clearer and more consistent pathways to diagnosis for Autistic people of all ages.
  • Improve the availability and access of diagnosis, especially in regional and/or remote areas.
  • Consider ways to reduce the occurrence of undiagnosed autism amongst girls and women and within the Aboriginal and culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
  • Improve the post-diagnostic referral process and accessibility of accurate information and resources.

Positive educational experiences

  • Improve environments to support the inclusion of Autistic children and young people in our preschools, and primary and secondary school settings.
  • Improve the knowledge and understanding of autism amongst our educators, support staff and those connected to our education and care settings.
  • Identify ways to improve transition pathways between educational settings and beyond school.
  • Implement neuro-diversity affirming supports and strategies, tailored to the individual, to ensure Autistic children and students receive the right supports for them.

Thriving in the workplace

  • Improve knowledge, understanding and awareness of autism across the workforce.
  • Create an accessible, inclusive and welcoming public sector where Autistic people can thrive.
  • Increase opportunities for Autistic people to gain meaningful and lasting employment.
  • Consider alternative employment initiatives for transition from education to employment.

Access to supports and services

  • Develop a centralised state information system to support access and navigation of available supports and services.
  • Improve the knowledge and understanding of autism amongst professional staff.
  • Work with organisations to ensure evidence and research on autism can be effectively and efficiently translated into practice.
  • Ensure neuro-diversity affirming and culturally appropriate services and supports are available.

Participation in the community

  • Consider how the built environment may impact Autistic people and identify opportunities for improvement across current and future infrastructure projects.
  • Identify ways to improve accessible transport options and the accessibility of public spaces and venues, including signage and wayfinding tools.
  • Partner with organisations, sporting clubs, local councils and community services to support inclusive initiatives for Autistic people of all ages.

Access to health and mental health services

  • Improve the knowledge, understanding and acceptance of autism amongst health practitioners, medical staff and first responders.
  • Improve the experiences of Autistic people of all ages navigating and engaging in health and mental health services.
  • Improve the accessibility of health and mental health services, especially in regional and remote communities.

Interactions with the justice system

  • Improve the knowledge and understanding of autism across the criminal and youth justice systems.
  • Ensure services and supports provided in community and custodial justice settings are responsive to the needs of Autistic people.
  • Create autism-inclusive environments within criminal justice settings.

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Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
26 Oct 2023
Printed on:
14 Feb 2025
The Inclusive SA website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016