Outcome Area 3: Safety, Rights and Justice
The rights of people with disability are promoted, upheld and protected, and people with disability feel safe and enjoy equality before the law.
Action 15
Attorney-General’s Department
Ongoing | Originally Action 13, Priority 5
Safeguard the rights of people with disability through the provision of consistent, accurate and relevant information pertaining to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability through the Royal Commission Response Unit.
Action 16
Attorney-General’s Department
Dec 2023 | Originally Action 27, Priority 9
Progress the Canine Court Companion pilot project to provide increased practical support and assistance to vulnerable victims of crime and prosecution witnesses involved with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Action 17
South Australia Police
Dec 2023 | NEW ACTION
Develop new community engagement programs, and enhance existing programs delivered by SAPOL to ensure they safely and effectively engage people with disability, including those at risk of harm.
Action 18
Department of Human Services
Dec 2023 | NEW ACTION
Improve accessibility for people living with disability to connect with existing safeguarding agencies in South Australia.
[Actions 17 and 18 are Targeted Action Plan deliverables]