Outcome Area 7: Community Attitudes
Community attitudes support equality, inclusion and participation in society for people with disability.
Action 31
Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment
Ongoing | Originally Action 8, Priority 3
Provide updates and advice on the content of disability awareness and inclusion training packages available to State Government agencies to maintain best practice approaches and support inclusive workplaces and communities.
Action 32
Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Ongoing | Originally Action 4, Priority 1
Provide opportunities to arts organisations, cultural institutions, sporting organisations and community clubs to run disability training to promote active participation and inclusion of people with disability.
Action 33
All State Authorities
Ongoing | Originally Action 11, Priority 4
Provide opportunities for active participation in decision-making for people living with disability, with particular focus on the identified priority groups:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities
- Women
- Children (and young people).
Action 34
Department of Human Services
Dec 2023| Originally Action 7, Priority 2
Work with the Commonwealth Government to develop data indicators that measure changes in community attitudes about the rights and needs of people living with disability.