Inclusive SA
DAIPs (Disability Access and Inclusion Plans) of state authorities
It is our aim to generate meaningful change and we recognise that there is still a lot of work ahead of us.
To achieve our vision, State authorities will be developing their own Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs) and be responsible for reporting annually. To ensure consistency across local councils and State Government agencies, each DAIP aligns to the priority areas set out in Inclusive SA's State Plan.
Below is a list of DAIPs that have been submitted by State authorities. These DAIPs are considered living documents and are to be reviewed every year.
Local Council Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs)
Local Council Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs)
Local Council DAIPs
- Adelaide Hills Council DAIP
- Adelaide Plains Council DAIP
- Alexandrina Council DAIP
- Barunga West Council DAIP
- Berri Barmera Council DAIP
- Campbelltown City Council DAIP
- City of Adelaide DAIP
- City of Burnside DAIP
- City of Charles Sturt Council DAIP
- City of Holdfast Bay DAIP
- City of Marion DAIP
- City of Mitcham DAIP
- City of Mount Gambier DAIP
- City of Norwood Payneham and St Peters DAIP
- City of Playford DAIP
- City of Port Adelaide Enfield DAIP
- City of Onkaparinga DAIP
- City of Port Lincoln DAIP
- City of Prospect DAIP
- City of Salisbury DAIP
- City of Tea Tree Gully DAIP
- City of Unley DAIP
- City of Victor Harbor DAIP
- City of West Torrens DAIP
- City of Whyalla DAIP
- Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council DAIP
- Coorong District Council DAIP
- Copper Coast Council DAIP
- District Council of Ceduna DAIP
- District Council of Cleve DAIP
- District Council of Elliston DAIP
- District Council of Franklin Harbour DAIP
- District Council of Grant DAIP
- District Council of Karoonda East Murray DAIP
- District Council of Kimba DAIP
- District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula DAIP
- District Council of Loxton Waikerie DAIP
- District Council of Mount Remarkable DAIP
- District Council of Orroroo Carrieton DAIP
- District Council of Peterborough DAIP
- District Council of Robe DAIP
- District Council of Streaky Bay DAIP
- District Council of Tatiara DAIP
- District Council of Tumby Bay DAIP
- District Council of Yankalilla DAIP
- Kangaroo Island Council DAIP
- Kingston District Council DAIP
- Light Regional Council DAIP
- Mid Murray Council DAIP
- Mount Barker District Council DAIP
- Municipal Council of Roxby Downs DAIP
- Naracoorte Lucindale Council DAIP
- Northern Areas Council DAIP
- Port Augusta City Council DAIP
- Port Pirie Regional Council DAIP
- Regional Council of Goyder DAIP
- Renmark Paringa Council DAIP (PDF 2MB)
- Rural City of Murray Bridge DAIP
- Southern Mallee District Council DAIP
- The Barossa Council DAIP
- The Flinders Ranges Council DAIP
- Town of Gawler DAIP
- Town of Walkerville DAIP
- Wakefield Regional Council DAIP
- Wattle Range Council DAIP
- Wudinna District Council DAIP
- Yorke Peninsula Council DAIP
State Government Agency Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs)
State Government Agency Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs)
State Government Agencies
- Attorney-General's Department DAIP
- Auditor-General's Department DAIP
- Defence SA DAIP
- Department for Child Protection DAIP
- Department for Correctional Services DAIP
- Department for Education DAIP
- Department for Energy and Mining DAIP
- Department for Environment and Water DAIP
- Department for Health and Wellbeing (SA Health) DAIP
- Department for Industry, Innovation and Science DAIP
- Department of Human Services DAIP
- Department of Infrastructure and Transport DAIP
- Department of Primary Industries and Regions DAIP
- Department of State Development DAIP
- Department of the Premier and Cabinet DAIP
- Department of Treasury and Finance DAIP
- Electoral Commission of SA DAIP
- Environment Protection Authority DAIP
- Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing DAIP
- Office of Green Industries SA DAIP
- Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment DAIP
- South Australia Police DAIP
- Wellbeing SA DAIP
Bodies with Prescribed Authority
- Courts Administration Authority DAIP
- Forestry SA DAIP
- Independent Commissioner against Corruption DAIP
- Lifetime Support Authority DAIP
- SA Housing Authority DAIP
- South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission (SAFECOM) DAIP