Inclusive SA

Sound and Lighting

Is lighting in the venue suitable?

You must inform your audience before the event if strobe lighting, flash photography or special effects such as smoke are to be used. These effects can trigger sensory overload or seizures. Lighting should be sufficient to provide safe movement around the venue and to also focus on the presenter and Auslan interpreter. If lights are dimmed during the event, equip staff with torches.

What are the impacts of sound at the venue?

Provide information on sound levels in event information for people with hearing sensitivity or other hearing requirements.

Have sound and audio-visual requirements been explored?

Microphones need to be height adjustable-for presenters, or lapel mics can be used when appropriate. Portable microphones need to be available for audience questions, with staff to assist. Provide a space for Auslan interpreters at the front of the stage and ensure the audience has an unobstructed view. All video presentations should be captioned, and audio described where appropriate. A hearing loop may also be required.

Is there a quiet room available?

People with neuro-sensitivity can require a quiet place to be away from noise for a period of time. It’s good to have seating and kits to help reduce sensory overload, for example fidget spinners, earplugs and quiet play items.

Further information

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Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
26 Oct 2023
Printed on:
22 Feb 2025
The Inclusive SA website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016