Inclusive SA

Accessible communication

To reach all your audience, you need to make good use of accessible communication formats. You should also be open to providing 'alternative formats' for people who cannot access your primary communication.

Developing your strategy

Involve people from your audience in developing and reviewing your strategy.

They will know what they need. You can also approach disability organisations for advice.

Consider the preferences your target audience has for receiving information.

For example, younger people may respond better to text messages than sub-titled adverts. Researching your audience will help you understand what they need.

Your strategy should outline:

  1. How you will anticipate the needs of all people.
  2. What standards are in place.
  3. Who is responsible and who will pay for the accessible formats.
  4. What type of information you will prioritise.
  5. How to ensure you communicate successfully with people with communication difficulties.
  6. What communication tools are available to help people get their message across and understand what people are telling them.
  7. How you will monitor the strategy.

If you need help, please email us at

Supporting resource

Communication Access (Scope Australia) - information about how to make communication in a business or service accessible and inclusive for people with communication difficulties and how to achieve accreditation and display the related Communication Access Symbol.

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Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
26 Oct 2023
Printed on:
27 Jul 2024
The Inclusive SA website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016