Everybody wins inclusive consultation
Inclusive consultation, through engaging all members of the community, benefits everyone. Include people living with disability, across all consultation projects, not just those with a disability focus.
Engaging people with lived experience of disability in the decisions that affect them when developing programs and policy, results in better outcomes for everyone and ensures the whole community is represented.
Ensuring all engagement comes from an inclusive lens, allows for all of the community to be involved. Using a variety of tools and methods to engage, while thinking about inclusion from the very beginning, will have the greatest results. This toolkit also includes considerations and links to resources to engagement with children and young people, Aboriginal people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and new and emerging communities.
People living with disability want to have a greater role in leading and contributing to government and community decision-making. It is our aim that the perspectives of people living with disability are actively sought and they are supported to participate meaningfully in government and community consultation and engagement activities.
This toolkit offers practical ideas and resources to effectively engage and consult with people with lived experience of disability. It is a starting point for inclusive engagement.