Appendix 1: DAIP checklist
Suggested Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Checklist.
Task | Target date | Completed |
1. DAIP committee or working group convened (or senior staff member appointed) to oversee process | ||
2. State authority information, services and facilities identified | ||
3. Background information about people living with disability, previous action plans and initiatives compiled | ||
4. a. Community engagement strategy determined 4. b. Community engagement strategy implemented | ||
5. Incorporate findings (barriers and solutions) into draft DAIP | ||
6. Determine monitoring, reviewing and reporting mechanisms | ||
7. a. Seek feedback on draft DAIP from key stakeholders 7. b. Finalise DAIP, endorsement by Elected Members / Senior Executive 7. c. Promote DAIP to staff and community 7. d. DAIP progress reported in annual reports, website, newsletters |