Outcome Area 2: Inclusive Homes and Communities
People with disability live in inclusive, accessible, and well-designed homes and communities.
Action 6
Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Dec 2023 | Originally Action 5, Priority 1
Explore opportunities to increase the involvement of children with disability in sports and cultural activities, including:
- expanding the Sports Voucher program
- providing extra support for children to participate in VACSWIM
- promoting the availability of arts programs.
Action 7
Department for Environment and Water
Dec 2023 | Originally Action 31, Priority 9
Commence an assessment into the establishment of minimum standards for priority parks and reserves that will improve access and inclusion for people with disability and consider the feasibility of implementing any recommendations.
Action 8
Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Department for Environment and Water
South Australian Housing Authority
Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing
Ongoing | Originally Action 17, Priority 1
Consider Universal Design principles across State Government residential and commercial infrastructure, including:
- sport and recreation infrastructure projects to support family friendly and accessible facilities
- infrastructure upgrades and redevelopments of significant public access buildings
- infrastructure maintenance across Department for Environment and Water managed land and parks
- residential construction and maintenance specifications for South Australian Housing Authority houses (and adopting the Liveable Housing Australia design guidelines for all new build social housing stock).
Action 9
Local Councils
Ongoing | Originally Action 19, Priority 7
Local council access and inclusion planning to consider consultation outcomes including:
- incorporating Universal Design principles in criteria for all new building and public projects and planning for programs, services and events
- developing Universal Design training plans for staff and contractors
- reviewing availability for accessible car parks in identified areas.
Action 10
All State Authorities
Dec 2023 | Originally Action 26, Priority 9
Consider the installation of multi-media devices and inclusive signage at service outlets and at the front of public buildings to accommodate people with disability.
Action 11
Attorney-General’s Department
Dec 2023 | Originally Action 18, Priority 7
Contribute to the Australian Building Code Board’s Accessible Housing Project for potential minimum accessibility standards for housing.
Action 12
Attorney-General’s Department
Dec 2023 | Originally Action 10, Priority 4
Undertake a supported decision-making project to document the wishes of Office of the Public Advocate clients who have impaired decision-making capacity.
Action 13
Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Dec 2023 | Originally Action 29, Priority 9
Improve the accessibility of public transport services and infrastructure, including:
- passenger notifications and ‘next stop’ information for bus services
- provisioning of accessible parking spaces at public transport locations.
Action 14
Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Ongoing | Originally Action 28, Priority 9
Contribute to the National Accessible Transport Taskforce and Steering Committee to reform the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002.