Outcome Area 5: Education and Learning
People with disability achieve their full potential through education and learning.
Action 23
Department for Innovation and Skills
Department for Education
Ongoing | Originally Action 32, Priority 10
State education and training sectors to support inclusive education culture and practice.
Action 24
Department for Innovation and Skills
Department for Education
Ongoing | Originally Action 33, Priority 10
State education and training sectors to work in partnership with children, students, parents/carers, industries and the community, to provide curriculum and learning opportunities that are personalised and tailored to the individual and prepare students for life beyond school.
Action 25
Department for Innovation and Skills
Department for Education
Ongoing | Originally Action 35, Priority 10
Improve access to pathway options and transition support from school to tertiary education and/or employment for people with disability.
Action 26
Department for Innovation and Skills
Department for Education
Dec 2023 | Originally Action 34, Priority 10
Determine data required to measure and track the percentage of people living with disability participating and achieving in education and training.
Action 27
All State Authorities
Ongoing | Originally Action 36, Priority 11
State authorities to facilitate meaningful volunteering opportunities for people living with disability and to identify clear pathways to transition from volunteering to work placement.