Inclusive SA
Connect with place - checklist
Are there any barriers which prevent access?
- Steps, kerbs or trip hazards
Is there a circulation path that is accessible and easy to navigate?
- Wide path: 1.2m minimum, 1.8m allows two wheelchairs/prams to pass each other
- Gentle slopes: Maximum 1:20 slope (refer Australian Standards)
- Consistent material: different from surrounding surfaces
- Edge: flush with surrounding surfaces, consider high contrast colour to edge
Are there tactile ground surface indicators (TGSIs) to indicate hazards?
- Use warning tactiles: for example top of slide flush with ground, top/bottom of stairs, ramps
Do raised platforms, walkways and ramps have a safe edge?
- Ensure there is a kickplate or handrail on the edge (refer to Australian Standards)
Can the entry gate be opened by an adult in a wheelchair or with limited mobility?
- Consider additional means of access (swipe card, buzzer, MLAK key)
Is the play equipment accessible?
- Equipment flush with adjacent surfaces (for example carousels, top of slides)
- Entry/exit point of equipment has accessible surface (for example, rubber softfall path to access swing/seat)
- Interactive elements are at a reachable height
- Play tables to allow for wheelchair access
Can everyone access the ‘coolest thing’ in the playspace?
- If elevated, ensure the ‘coolest thing’ has a ramped access point
Does everyone have an opportunity to play with nature?
- Not all nature play’ elements can be accessible; however, ensure there are some that can be accessed by all
Has the space been reviewed to understand the natural environment?
- Sun: face equipment away from northern sun (for example slides face south)
- Wind: use screening to protect picnic/quiet areas from wind (if required)
- Natural features: utilise existing nature (vegetation, trees, views or creeks)
- Does the playspace have adequate shade over key play areas and seating?
Is the playspace easy to navigate?
- Provide a clear logical layout from entry to exit with play zones arranged adjacent to a main circulation path
Is there a defined entry with adequate space?
- Ensure there is enough paved area for people to congregate, wait, sit and supervise
Is there a secure boundary enclosure around the space?
- Ideally the entire playspace should be within a secure boundary enclosure including open grass, natural play and picnic areas
Are the different activity zones easy to identify?
- Consider active/passive/quiet/circulation zones
- Consider different colour groups/surfaces to define each zone. The quiet zones should be away from the active zones
Is there adequate space between play equipment?
- Consider play equipment fall zones, movement zones, areas to ‘wait your turn’ and space for multiple users
Are there public transport links close by?
- Bus, train or tram
Are there accessible car parking spaces?
- Ensure car parks comply with Australian Standards
- A highly used playspace will need more than the minimum requirement for accessible car parks
- A bus parking/drop-off zone should be considered
Are there existing safe and accessible path/cycle networks and pedestrian crossings?
- Smooth surfaces, wide paths, gentle slopes or kerb ramps
Has a traffic analysis of nearby roads been completed?
- Locate the playspace a safe distance from adjacent roads. Consider traffic calming devices if traffic volumes are high
Are there existing accessible facilities nearby?
- Toilet, café or supermarket
Are there existing community groups in the area that the playspace can connect with?
- Schools, kindergartens, playgroups, sporting clubs or community centres
Is the entrance/exit easy to find?
- Provide at least two entry points
Does the signage make everyone feel welcome?
- signage promoting inclusivity
- cultural signage (for example Aboriginal language/symbols)
Can the playspace be found easily online?
- Provide a map, identify playspace features (toilets, shade, car parking, change table or fencing) and provide directions on how to get there
Is the signage easily understood by everyone?
- Text: use sans-serif fonts, select appropriate colour contrast, avoid using ALL CAPS or underlines
- Not just text: include simple images/symbols and Braille
- Height: readable by children and those in wheelchairs (suggest 1m from ground)
- Map: consider a tactile map at the entry showing access paths and key features
- Audio: consider providing audio information about the park
“Slides my carer can take me down, more ramps to help, and some more round swings to lie on instead of sitting up.”