Inclusive SA

Learning and employment

Workforce participation is fundamental to social inclusion. It provides economic independence and choice, social connections and friendships, value, identity and belonging. It is our aim that people living with disability have access to inclusive places of study and that education and training provides pathways to meaningful and inclusive employment and volunteering opportunities.

Key words

Employment, education, volunteering, learning, training, ability, flexibility.

‘I’ statements

  • I can make the most of my abilities
  • I can contribute and know my contribution is valued
  • I can have a fair go.


Priority 10: Better supports within educational and training settings

Priority 11: Skill development through volunteering and support in navigating the pathway between learning and earning

Priority 12: Improved access to employment opportunities and better support within workplaces

Quotes from the consultation

Priority 10: Better supports within educational and training settings


  1. State education and training sectors to support inclusive education culture and practices.
  2. State education authorities to work in partnership with children, students, parents or carers, industries and the community to provide curriculum and learning opportunities that are personalised and tailored to the individual, and prepare students for life beyond school.
  3. Determine data required to measure and track the percentage of people living with disability participating and achieving in education and training.

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Priority 11: Skill development through volunteering and support in navigating the pathway between learning and earning


  1. Explore how pathways can be improved from education and training settings to post-learning.
  2. State authorities to facilitate meaningful volunteering opportunities for people living with disability.

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Priority 12: Improved access to employment opportunities and better support within workplaces


  1. Support and promote the implementation of the Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment’s Public Sector Employment Strategy across the public sector.
  2. Increase employment opportunities across all levels in the South Australian public sector through the targeting of job opportunities for people living with disability under section 65 of the Public Sector Act 2009 (SA) which provides for employment opportunity programs.
  3. Develop data measures to track the percentage of people living with disability employed and retained in State authorities.

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Quotes from the consultation

  • “Trust that we can do it”
  • “I want people living with disability to be given opportunities just like any other person in terms of education, employment, physical access, etc.”

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Provided by:
Department of Human Services
Last Updated:
26 Oct 2023
Printed on:
23 Feb 2025
The Inclusive SA website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016